Welcome sign, stone wall, green mountains, cloudy sky, Zingaro, national park, nature reserve, northwest, Sicily, Italy, Europe
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Image id: 832-403883
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: June 2015
Upload date: September 2023
Artist: Ralf Adler
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: June 2015
Upload date: September 2023
Artist: Ralf Adler
cloudscloudy skycloudycloudconservation areacountrysidedesertedemptyeurope'seuropegreenitalylandscape photolandscape shotlandscapeslandscapemountainousmountainsmountainnpnational parksnational parknatural preservesnatural preservenatural reservenature conservation areanature parknature reservesnature reservenaturenaturparknobodyno oneno peoplenorth westernnorth westnorthwesternnorthwestopen airovercast skyovercastprotected areareservesreservesanctuaryscenerysiciliansiciliasicilyskiessky with cloudskysouthern europesouthern italysouth europesouth of italystonewallsstone wallstonewalltravel photographyuninhabitedwallswall