Man stretching, using a pier pillar on the beach at sunset
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Image id: 857-90001
Release status: Model Released
Shot date: February 2015
Upload date: June 2015
Artist: Leslie Parrott
Release status: Model Released
Shot date: February 2015
Upload date: June 2015
Artist: Leslie Parrott
30 34 yearsactiveadultadults onlyarchitecturebeachbuilt structurecolor imageexerciseexercisingfitnessfloridafull lengthhealthy lifestylehorizontalin a rowlatin american and hispanicmenmid adultnon urban sceneoceanone man onlyone mid adult man onlyone persononly menoutdoorspeoplepierpillarsandseaself improvementside viewskysports clothingstrengthstretchingsunlightsunsetsupporttranquilitywaterwavewellbeing