A WWF project to supply electricity to a remote island in the Sunderbans, a low lying area of the Ganges Delta in Eastern India, that is very vulnerable to sea level rise. Prior to this project the subsistence farmers had no access to electricity. The project involves charging large batteries from solar panels. Each villager collects a battery to run household lighting, and returns to the recharging station once a week to recharge their battery. This shot shows women carrying the heavy batteries (20Kg) from the charging station.
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Image id: 911-10498
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: December 2013
Upload date: July 2015
Artist: Ashley Cooper
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: December 2013
Upload date: July 2015
Artist: Ashley Cooper
calcuttakolkataindiaasiansunderbansganges deltagangescoasttidalislandlow lyingsea level riseforesttreepalm treesolarsolar powersolar panelsolar energyclimate changeglobal warmingpvphoto voltaicelectricitygeneratingcarbon neutralcleangreensolar celloff gridpowerwwfprojectngocharitypoverty reliefcarbon offsetcarbon offsettingbatteryback upstorestoragebattery backupsolatronpackagingcharging stationrechargerechargingheavyloadheadcarrycarryingwomenfemaledresssarisaree