L'Hoest's Monkey (Cercopithecus lhoesti), or Mountain Monkey, is a guenon found in the upper eastern Congo basin. They mostly live in mountainous forest areas in small, female-dominated groups. They have a dark coat and can be distinguished by a characteristic white beard. Gikongoro, Rwanda, East Africa
L'Hoest's Monkey (Cercopithecus lhoesti), or Mountain Monkey, is a guenon found in the upper eastern Congo basin. They mostly live in mountainous forest areas in small, female-dominated groups. They have a dark coat and can be distinguished by a characteristic white beard. Gikongoro, Rwanda, East Africa
L'Hoest's Monkey (Cercopithecus lhoesti), or Mountain Monkey, is a guenon found in the upper eastern Congo basin. They mostly live in mountainous forest areas in small, female-dominated groups. They have a dark coat and can be distinguished by a characteristic white beard. Gikongoro, Rwanda, East Africa

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