The Roman Bridge (Puente Romano) and The Great Mosque of Cordoba on a sunny day, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain, Europe
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Image id: 1263-235
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: August 2018
Upload date: April 2020
Artist: Matt Parry
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: August 2018
Upload date: April 2020
Artist: Matt Parry
travel destinationphotographyhorizontalcolour imagewaterreflectionbuilding exteriorarchitectureoutdoorsdayblueclear skytreeeuropespainspanish cultureunesco world heritage siteunescoandalusiathe pasthistoryoldcordobabridgeconnectionroman bridgepuente romanointernal landmarkfamous place1st century bcancientancient civilisationromanarcharch bridgeguadalquivir riverrivermenwomenwaist upincidental peopletwo peoplerear viewmosqueplace of worshipislam16th centurycathedralmosque cathedral of cordobacolourcolor imagecoloroutdooroutsidetourist destinationtravelarchitecturallandmarkplace of interestbackground peoplepeople in the backgroundhistoricalhistoricheritageculturalculturereflectingreflectedunesco world heritage sitesworld heritage siteworld heritage sitesarchesarchedantiquityantiquitiestypically spanishtraditional culturetraditiontraditionaltraditionally spanish