Tomb of Sinjin, chief artist to Rameses II, Deir el Medina, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa
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Image id: 39-4812
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: July 2007
Upload date: May 2007
Artist: Jack Jackson
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: July 2007
Upload date: May 2007
Artist: Jack Jackson
travelsennedjemsennedjenafricaegyptworld heritage sitethebesdeir el medinasinjintombstombagricultureploughingplowingartwallspaintingswall paintingsfrescoesmuralsmuralegyptianhistorypastancient civilizationsarchaeological sitesarchaeologyhorizontalindoorsdaycontemporaryphotographycolor imagetravel destinations