Mud Volcano, steaming thermal spring in the back, Dragon's Mouth Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, North America
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Image id: 832-392529
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: September 2018
Upload date: July 2021
Artist: Mara Brandl
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: September 2018
Upload date: July 2021
Artist: Mara Brandl
americanamericaboggydeserteddragon's mouth springemptyfamous placegeothermal areageothermal powergeothermal springgeothermalgeothermic energygeothermichot springhotmarsh areamarshlandmarshymud domemuddymud volcanosmud volcanomudnpnational parksnational park usanational parknatural preservesnatural preservenature reservesnature reservenobodyno oneno peoplenorth americaplace of interestprotected areareservesreservesancturysightssightsourcespringsspringsteamingsteamswampsswampyswampthermal areathermal springsthermal springtourist attractionstourist attractiontravel photographytraveluninhabitedunited states of americaunited statesus americanus americausawaterswater vaporwaterwetlandswetlandwyomingyellowstone national park