Stone as heart symbol in rocks with red colour, heart shape, symbol of love, sign of love, love symbol, heart of nature, natural heart, proof of love, heart symbol, organ heart, kindness, affection, inflamed, in love, crush, colour red, heart emoji, Spain, Europe
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Image id: 832-395327
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: July 2014
Upload date: January 2022
Artist: Alad
Release status: No Release Needed
Shot date: July 2014
Upload date: January 2022
Artist: Alad
affectioncolorscolorcolourdesertedemptyeuropeheart shapedheart shapeheart symbolheartsheartin lovelove symbollovenaturenobodyno oneno peopleorgansorganpartnershipproof of loveproofs of lovered colouredredrelationshiprelationsrelationrocksrocksignssignsouthern europesouth europespainspanishstonesstonesymbolicsymbolssymbolthe rockstravel photographyuninhabited