Figure of the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus and wreath of stars, Wangen im Allgaeu, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
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Image id: 832-396826
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: April 2022
Upload date: May 2022
Artist: Manfred Bail
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: April 2022
Upload date: May 2022
Artist: Manfred Bail
anthropomorphicartisticallyartisticartsartworksartworkart workartbaby jesusbaden wurttembergbaden wuerttembergbiblical figuresbiblical figurebiblicalcentral europecharacterchild jesuschrist childrenchrist childchrist crosschrist figurechristian artchristianitychristianchristuschristchurch figureschurch figuredesertedemptyeurope'seuropefemale figuresfemale figurefemale statuesfemale statuefigure female likenessfigure human likenessfigure of a saintfigure of maryfigure of the virgin maryfigures of saintsfiguresfigurefrggerman federal republicgermanygermanholy virginholyhuman depictionshuman depictionhuman figureshuman figurehuman likenesshumanlikejesus christjesusmadonna figuresmadonna figuremadonnamale figuremale shapeman figuresman figuremary's figuremarymasculine figuremiddle europemother of godnobodyno oneno peopleour ladypicture of the virgin marypiecereligionsreligionreligious artsreligious artreligiousrepublic of germanysacred figuresacredsaint figuresaint marysaintssaintsculpturessculpturesouthern germanysouth germanyst maryststatue of a saintstatue of saintsstatue of saintstatue of the saintstatue of the virgin marystatues of the virgin marystatuesstatueuninhabitedvirgin marywangen im allgaeuwork of art