Fontainebleau Castle and Park, seen just in front of sunset from the Grand Parterre, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Seine-et-Marne department, Ile-de-France region, France, Europe
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Image id: 832-397137
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: February 2022
Upload date: June 2022
Artist: Peter Seyfferth
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: February 2022
Upload date: June 2022
Artist: Peter Seyfferth
afterglowatmosphereatmospheric lightatmosphericattractionsattractionbuildingsbuildingcastlescastlecitiescitydepartment seine et marnedesertedemptyeuropeseuropeevening atmospheresevening atmosphereevening glowevening hourevening lightevening moodevening sceneevening shotevening skiesevening skyevening sunshineevening suneveningseveningfamous placefontainebleaufrancegardensile de francelandmarklight atmospherelight moodlight of the eveninglight scenemagnificentmagnificientmoodmunicipalnobodyno oneno peoplepalaceparkplace of interestpompoussetting sunsightskiesskysplendidlysplendidstructuresunset redsun settingsunsetsuntourist attractionstourist attractiontourist landmarktowntravel photographyunesco siteunesco world heritage sitesunesco world heritage siteunesco world heritageunesco world hertiage siteuninhabitedurban environmenturbanwestern europe