Aerial of the Iguape river, Unesco site Atlantic Forest South-East Reserves, Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, South America
Aerial of the Iguape river, Unesco site Atlantic Forest South-East Reserves, Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, South America
Aerial of the Iguape river, Unesco site Atlantic Forest South-East Reserves, Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, South America

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Michael Runkel
Image id: 832-400871
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: January 2023
Upload date: May 2023
Artist: Michael Runkel


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aerial photographyaerial photographaerial photosaerial photoaerial shotaerial viewaerialamericaatlantic forestattractionsattractionbird's eye viewbirds eyes viewbrazilcitiescity centercity centrecity portraitcity scapecityscapecity viewcityclose to naturecultural monumentscultural monumentcultural sitescultural sitedeserteddowntownelevated viewemptyeurope'seuropefacingfamous placeflight photoflight shotforestsforestfrom abovefrom the airfrom the skyheritagesheritagehigh angle shothigh angle viewhistorical old townhistoricalhistoric centerhistoric centrehistoric city centerhistoric city centrehistoric old townhistoricinner cityinner townjunglesjunglelandmarklatin americalooking downmidtownmunicipalnatural preservesnatural preservenatural reservenaturalnature conservation areanaturel environmentnature parknature reservesnature reservenaturenaturparknear naturalnobodyno oneno peoplenorthern portugalold growth forestold cityold districtold town areaold townsold townoverheadoverlookoverviewplace of interestportoportugalportugueseprimary forestprimeval forestsprimeval forestprotected arearain forestsrain forestrainforestreservationsreservationreservesreserveribeira districtribeirariversriversancturysao paulosemi naturalseminaturalsightsouth americansouth americasouthern europesouth europestate of sao paulostate parksstate parksao paulo statetop down viewtop downtop viewtopviewtourismtourist attractionstourist attractiontouristicaltouristictourist landmarktouristtown centertown centretownscapetown viewtowntravel photographytropicalunesco siteunesco world heritage sitesunesco world heritage siteunesco world heritageunesco world hertiage siteunesco world siteunescouninhabitedurban environmenturbanvegetationsvegetationview down to the bottomview downview from aboveview intoview ofview of the cityview of the townview on the cityview over the cityview over the townview overviewwildernesswoodsworld heritage siteworld heritage