A young woman in a red dress at the Abu Simbel Temple next to the sculptures, in southern Egypt in Nubia next to Lake Nasser. Temple of Pharaoh Ramses II, travel lifestyle
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Image id: 832-402166
Release status: Model Released
Shot date: October 2020
Upload date: July 2023
Artist: Unai Huizi
Release status: Model Released
Shot date: October 2020
Upload date: July 2023
Artist: Unai Huizi
1 person35 39 yearsabu simbeladult femaleadultsadult womanadultafricaaltertumancient civilizationsancient civilizationancient egyptianancient timesancient worldancientantiqueantiquityartsartworksartworkart workartbuildingsbuildingcaucasian ethnicitycaucasiancharacterclothconstructiondressesdresseast africaeastern africaegyptianegyptfiguresfigureguyheritagesheritagehistoricalhistoriclifestylelight skinnedmanmenmid adult manmid adult menmid adult womanmid adult womennorth africannorth africanorthern africanubiaoldone personpharaohspharaohpieceramesses iiramesses the greatramessesramses iiramses llramsesred colouredred dressredreligious buildingsacral buildingsacred buildingsculpturessculpturesingle personsouthstatuesstatuestructuretemplestemplewomanwomenwork of artyoung adultsyoung adult womanyoung adultyoung womanyoung womenyoung