Masai giraffe (Giraffa tippelskirchi), animal portrait, hidden behind acacia bush, Tarangire National Park, Tanzania, Africa
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Image id: 832-402276
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: February 2023
Upload date: August 2023
Artist: Erich Schmidt
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: February 2023
Upload date: August 2023
Artist: Erich Schmidt
1 animalafricaanimal portraitsanimal portraitanimalsanimalartiodactylaconservation areacroppeddeserteddirect lookeast africaeastern africaemptyendangered animalsendangered animalendangered speciesendangered specieeven toed ungulateseven toed ungulateeye contactface to facefacing camerafacing each otherfacinggazesgiraffa tippelskirchigiraffagiraffesgiraffegiraffidaegiraffidsgiraffidhead portraithead shotshead shotheadsheadhiddeniucnkilimanjaro giraffelook atlooking at cameralooking at the cameralooking outlooks at the cameralooks in the cameralooks into the cameralooks intolookslookmaasai giraffemammalianmammaliamammalsmammalmasai giraffesmasai giraffenpnational parksnational parknatural preservesnatural preservenatural reservenature conservation areanature parknature reservesnature reservenaturenaturparknobodyno oneno peopleobserveone animalpartial viewportrait of an animalportrait photoportrait shotportraitsportraitprotected areareservesreservesanctuarytanzaniatarangire national parkthreatened speciestravel photographyuninhabitedview overviewwatching