Aerial view of a rural landscape with a curvy road running through it in Sedona, Arizona. Drone photograph
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Image id: 832-402432
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: January 2021
Upload date: August 2023
Artist: Walter G Arce Sr Grindstone Media Group
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: January 2021
Upload date: August 2023
Artist: Walter G Arce Sr Grindstone Media Group
aerial photographyaerial photographaerial photosaerial photoaerial shotaerial viewaerialamericanamericaarizonaattractionsattractionbadlandsbarrennessbarrenbird's eye viewbirds eyes viewconservation areacountrysidedeserteddesertsdesertdesolatedrone imagedrone photographydrone photographdrone photodrone shotsdrone shotdrone viewelevated viewemptyfacingfamous placeflight photoflight shotfoliagefrom abovefrom a dronefrom the airfrom the skygeologyhigh angle shothigh angle viewin the countrylandmarklandscape photolandscape shotlandscapeslandscapeleaveslooking downmalpaismeagermeagremojave desertnpnational parksnational parknatural preservesnatural preservenatural reservenature conservation areanature parknature reservesnature reservenaturenaturparknew mexiconobodyno oneno peoplenorth americaoverheadoverlookoverviewplace of interestprotected areareservesreserveroadsroadrock formationsrock formationrockformationrock grouprock landscaperocks landscaperocky landscapesrocky landscaperockyruralsanctuarysceneryscenicallyscenicsculpted rocksightsouthwestsparsestone formationsstone formationstreetsuedwestentop down viewtop downtopviewtop viewtourist attractionstourist attractiontourist landmarktravel photographyuninhabitedunited states of americaunited statesus americanus americausaview down to the bottomview downview from aboveview intoview ofview overview