Leopard (Panthera pardus), adult, running, Sabi Sand Game Reserve, Kruger National Park, South Africa, Africa
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Image id: 832-403304
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: July 2021
Upload date: September 2023
Artist: Juergen & Christine Sohns
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: July 2021
Upload date: September 2023
Artist: Juergen & Christine Sohns
adult animalsadult animaladultafricaanimal of preyanimals in the wildanimalsanimalbeast of preybig catsbig catcarnivoracat of preyconservation areadesertedemptyfastfaunafeliformiasfeliformiagame reservesgame reservegoinggohabitatkruger npkruger national parkleopardsleopardmammalianmammaliamammalsmammalmaturesmaturemotionmovementsmovementmovemovingmpumalanga provincempumalanganpnational parksnational parknatural environmentsnatural environmentnatural habitatnatural preservesnatural preservenatural reservenature conservation areanature parknature reservesnature reservenaturenaturparknobodyno oneno peopleold animalopen airpanthera parduspantherinaepredatory animalpredatory catspredatory catpredatorprotected areaquickracerapidrepublic of south africareservesreserversarunningrunsabi sand game reservesabi sands game reservesabi sands private game reservesabi sandssanctuarysouth africansouth africasouthern africaspeedyuninhabitedwalkwild animalswild animalwildlife photographywildlife refugeswildlife refugewildlife