Lifestyle, young dark-skinned woman with long braids and purple glasses sitting on a bench in the park, with buildings in the background
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Image id: 832-404346
Release status: Model & Property Released
Shot date: May 2020
Upload date: October 2023
Artist: Unai Huizi
Release status: Model & Property Released
Shot date: May 2020
Upload date: October 2023
Artist: Unai Huizi
1 person20 24 yearsadultsadultattractiveaufbenchesbenchbraidedbraidsbraidbuildingsbuildingchicclassyclothing styleconstructiondark skinnedeyeglassesfashionablefashionablyfashionfemalesfemalegardensglasseshispanic ethnicityhuman beinglatin american ethnicitylifestylelilaclongone personpair of glassesparkpeopleperchedpersonspersonplaitedplaitpurpleresting benchseating accommodationsseating accommodationsingle personsittingsitspectaclesstructurestylishtrendyvioletwomanwomenwovenyoung adultsyoung adult womanyoung adultyoung womanyoung womenyoung