Young Caucasian mother playing with her in the room with toys. Baby less than a year learning the first lessons of her mother. Mother playing with her son and hugging him lovingly
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Image id: 832-404355
Release status: Model Released
Shot date: July 2020
Upload date: October 2023
Artist: Unai Huizi
Release status: Model Released
Shot date: July 2020
Upload date: October 2023
Artist: Unai Huizi
2 people6 11 months30 34 years30adult femaleadult womanaffectionateaffectionbabyboysboycaucasian ethnicitycaucasianchild's toychildren's toychildrenchildcrawling stageeducational systemeducationembraceembracingfamiliesfamilyfemalesfemalefield of educationfields of educationhughuman beingindoor photoindoor shotindoorsindoorinfantsinfantinner viewinsideinterior photographinterior photosinterior photointerior shotinteriorsinterior viewsinterior viewinteriorkidknowledgelearninglearnlessonslessonlifestylelight skinnedlovelovinglylovingmid adult womanmid adult womenmommothersmotherone parentparentsparentpeoplepersonspersonplayingplayroomsroomsonssonstudytendernesstenderthirtytoddlerstoddlertoystoytwo peopletwo personswomanwomenyearsyearyoung