View of restaurant and architecture in Piazza Grande at dusk, Arezzo, Province of Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy, Europe
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Video id: 844-31727
Release status: No Release Needed
Tech info: 4K, , H.264, 50 fps
Shot date: September 2006
Upload date: October 2023
Artist: Frank Fell
Release status: No Release Needed
Tech info: 4K, , H.264, 50 fps
Shot date: September 2006
Upload date: October 2023
Artist: Frank Fell
sunsetduskoutdoorsarezzoarezzo provincetuscanyitalyeuropereal timepanningfilmpublic squarepiazza grandecityurban scenebuildingarchitecturerestaurantfood and drinklarge group of peoplepeoplemenadultwomensittingdiningchairtableumbrellaclear skyskywalkingbell towertower30 seconds or greaterwomanadultsfemalefemalespersontravel destinationtourist destinationtravel destinationstourist destinationstravelsundowneveningtwilightrestaurantseateryeateriesoutdooroutsidemanmalemalesgroupcitiesurbanbuildingsbell towershistoryhistoricpasttowersarchitecturalbellbells