France. Hunting. The European commission has adopted in january 2021 a ban on using lead 100m around any wetland in Europe. In the future, the lead will be totally banned as 6000 tons of lead is put into nature by hunters every year. There is already new anmunitions with zinc, steel, tungsten and bismuth but much more expansive than lead.
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Image id: 860-290371
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: February 2021
Upload date: September 2021
Artist: Antoine Lorgnier
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: February 2021
Upload date: September 2021
Artist: Antoine Lorgnier
water pollutionground pollutionhuntingactivityhunting armhunting gunhunterfrancepaper moneymanpersonhandcoppercarrytoclose upsymbolic imageloadman induced activitylittoral pollutionbuck shothunting cartridgecopper culead pbnative metalwater pollutionssoil pollutionsoil pollutionsground pollutionshunting armshunting gunshunting rifflehunting riffleshuntershuntresshuntressesbillsbanknotebanknotesbillmenhuman beingspersonshuman beinghuman presencehuman presenceshumanhumanshandstransportholdcarriedcarryingheldholdingtransportingtransportedtransportationclose upssymbolic imagessymbolismsymbolismssymbolsymbolssymbolizingloadedloadingsloadsloadingfill upfillingfillingsfilled upman induced activitieshuman activities consequencehuman activities impactman induced impactlittoral pollutionscoastal pollutionscoastal pollutionbuck shotshunting cartridgessporting cartridgesporting cartridgesnative metalsmetalmetalspollutionenvironmentfauna usenatural resources useeuropean unioneuropecurrencyfinanceindividualmorphologyzoologyorganismmineral mattermattersubstanceshotrelation between speciesspeciessolid chemical elementchemical elementnative mineralmineral