Solar thermal and solar PV panels on the roof of the Crystal building which is the first building in the world to be awarded an outstanding BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) rating and a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum rating. London, UK.
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Image id: 911-10672
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: June 2014
Upload date: February 2015
Artist: Ashley Cooper
Release status: Not Model or Property Released
Shot date: June 2014
Upload date: February 2015
Artist: Ashley Cooper
breeambre environmental assessment methodoustandingcertificatecrystalbuildinglondonawardedawardoutstandingratingleed (leadership in energy and environmental design) platinum rasiemensarchitecturedesignenvironmentalfuturegreencleancarbon footprintclimate changeglobal warmingroyal victoria docksrenewable energyrenewablesolar powersustainablecitysustainabilitysustainable citiesplanetfootprintc02cabon dioxidegreenhouse gasgreen buildingheat pumppipepipingground source heat pumpinsulatedinsulationsolar panelpvphoto voltaicfeed in tariffelectririctysoalr thermalroofroof top