860-290104 - Millipede of Guyana (Orthoporus lomonti) on a branch on the Mirande trail in the National Nature Reserve of Mount Grand Matoury, French Guiana
857-8294 - Father Bortoli teaching Yanomami Indian children at the Catholic mission school at Mavaca on the Upper Orinoco River. In the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.
857-8290 - Father Bortoli teaching Yanomami Indian children at the Catholic mission school at Mavaca on the Upper Orinoco River. In the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.
857-8295 - Yanomami Indian children at the Catholic mission school at Mavaca on the Upper Orinoco River. In the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.
857-8300 - Yanomami Indian girl with sticks at the corners of her mouth and just below her lower lip and bead necklaces lies in a hammock in her village in the Amazonian Forest in southern Venezuela.
1196-9 - For centuries the amazonian forest has been a nourishing mother for the kayapo, who survive mostly on hunting, fishing and gathering. gorotire kayapo reserve, brazilian amazon