Robert Harding

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1350-1865 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1859 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1871 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1860 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1861 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1862 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1866 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1870 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1868 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1858 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1869 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1863 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1864 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
1350-1867 - Yonna dance, also called Chichamaya, carries a considerable symbolic charge for the Wayuu indigenous people of Colombia, representing three basic principles for this tribal group: Social equality, collective solidarity and the improvement of relations between the human being and the Cosmos.
911-10058 - A Barefoot Dentist, who is trained to perform basic dentistry at the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. The Barefoot College is a worldwide charity, founded by Bunker Roy, its aims are, education, drinking water, electrification through solar power, skill development, health, women empowerment and the upliftment of rural people.
832-318518 - DEU, Germany: Basic training for future SWAT Team officers. They learn, during a year long course, all the basics which they need for their job in the special operation police units
832-318459 - DEU, Germany: Basic training for future SWAT Team officers. They learn, during a year long course, all the basics which they need for their job in the special operation police units
832-318482 - DEU, Germany: Basic training for future SWAT Team officers. They learn, during a year long course, all the basics which they need for their job in the special operation police units
832-318486 - DEU, Germany: Basic training for future SWAT Team officers. They learn, during a year long course, all the basics which they need for their job in the special operation police units
832-318503 - DEU, Germany: Basic training for future SWAT Team officers. They learn, during a year long course, all the basics which they need for their job in the special operation police units
832-154676 - Residents rally at City Hall, asking that the city establish a citizens review board to monitor the police and increase the police force's diversity, Hamtramck, Michigan, USA
857-68244 - The region of the Fourth Cataract, the most impassable of all rapids of the Nile. Still today the water rapids cannot be crossed by any large boats making the region accessible only via a sandy and rocky desert track. The region is among the most neglected areas in Northern Sudan. Apart from basic educational institutions virtually no public infrastructure such as tarred roads, bridges or ferry boats and hospitals exist.
857-68243 - The region of the Fourth Cataract, the most impassable of all rapids of the Nile. Still today the water rapids cannot be crossed by any large boats making the region accessible only via a sandy and rocky desert track. The region is among the most neglected areas in Northern Sudan. Apart from basic educational institutions virtually no public infrastructure such as tarred roads, bridges or ferry boats and hospitals exist.
857-37195 - Research assistants and technicians from the University of Ghana perform basic skin prick tests on school children in Accra, Ghana to test for sensitivities to dog, cat, dust mites, grass pollen, peanuts, and cockroach allergens. The results have shown that children in wealthier homes have higher rates of allergies and asthma than poorer children. The leading theory is that higher rates of helminth (parasite) infections among poorer children are affecting the immune system in a way that offers protection from allergies and asthma. The study aims to find out what the worms are doing, isolate the beneficial effect and replicate it.
857-37210 - Research assistants and technicians from the University of Ghana perform basic skin prick tests on school children in Accra, Ghana to test for sensitivities to dog, cat, dust mites, grass pollen, peanuts, and cockroach allergens. The results have shown that children in wealthier homes have higher rates of allergies and asthma than poorer children. The leading theory is that higher rates of helminth (parasite) infections among poorer children are affecting the immune system in a way that offers protection from allergies and asthma. The study aims to find out what the worms are doing, isolate the beneficial effect and replicate it.
1196-164 - Community and home based care service is one of the critical care and support services provided to people living with HIV in Nepal. CHBC Teams provide basic health services, social, emotional and spiritual support, reinforcing the concept of ?positive living? and reducing stigma and discrimination in the community. Doti, Nepal
975-45 - An IDP camp (internally displaced people) in Te-Tugu district of Northern Uganda has been created to accommodate the mass of Ugandan refugees fleeing the LRA (Lords Resistance Army) who are fighting the Ugandan government and its people. Although accommodation is basic- mainly mud huts, they are impeccably maintained, instilling a real sense of pride in the community. Te-Tugu, Uganda, East Africa