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832-405664 - Hemprich's tree coral (Dendronephthya hemprichi) and backlit diver, Fury Shoals reef dive site, Red Sea, Egypt, Africa
860-292799 - Werck. Lockheed L-1011 TriStar three-engine plane intentionally sunk in 2019. In addition to being a great attraction for divers, these sunken structures;generally ships, but also planes, military vehicles...) become artificial reefs helping in the repopulation of the underwater bottoms. This wreck is located in the Red Sea, at a depth of between 18 and 31 meters. Aqaba, Jordan.
860-292798 - Werck. Lockheed L-1011 TriStar three-engine plane intentionally sunk in 2019. In addition to being a great attraction for divers, these sunken structures;generally ships, but also planes, military vehicles...) become artificial reefs helping in the repopulation of the underwater bottoms. This wreck is located in the Red Sea, at a depth of between 18 and 31 meters. Aqaba, Jordan.
860-292793 - Freediving photographer taking a photograph of a young humpback whale in the Indian Ocean - South Africa - off Port Saint-Johns
860-292775 - Wreck, sunken ship. The SS THISTLEGORM is considered one of the most spectacular shipwrecks in the world for its scenic beauty. Flying the English flag, it was attacked and sunk by German bombers when heading towards the Suez Canal;October 1941). Their cargo is without a doubt one of the most peculiar that we can find under the surface of the seas: motorcycles, jeeps, military clothing, bullets, airplane wings, machine guns and a couple of locomotives and trucks. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292774 - Wreck, sunken ship. The SS THISTLEGORM is considered one of the most spectacular shipwrecks in the world for its scenic beauty. Flying the English flag, it was attacked and sunk by German bombers when heading towards the Suez Canal;October 1941). Their cargo is without a doubt one of the most peculiar that we can find under the surface of the seas: motorcycles, jeeps, military clothing, bullets, airplane wings, machine guns and a couple of locomotives and trucks. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292755 - Underwater canyon, Marsa Bareika reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed). Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292754 - Giant gorgonians of the genus Annella. Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292753 - Yellow scroll coral, coral lettuce;Turbinaria reniformis). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292751 - Yellow scroll coral, coral lettuce;Turbinaria reniformis). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292750 - Soft coral;Dendronephthya sp). Coral reef. Ras Muhammad National Park;Sharm Al Sheikh - Raas Mohammed) and Tiran Strait. Sinai Peninsula. Red Sea, Egypt.
860-292748 - Volcanic underwater beds, Tenerife. The image shows the top of an underwater mountain formed by basaltic columns;columnar disjunction. Canary Islands.
860-292747 - Volcanic underwater bottoms. True seamounts can be seen in the image, a natural monument made of basaltic columns called a columnar disjunction. The highest point is about 15 meters below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean and drops vertically to more than 40 meters at its deepest point. The place is known as La Rapadura on the coast of Santa Úrsula, north of the island of Tenerife. Seabed of the Canary Islands.
860-292746 - Volcanic underwater bottoms. True seamounts can be seen in the image, a natural monument made of basaltic columns called a columnar disjunction. The highest point is about 15 meters below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean and drops vertically to more than 40 meters at its deepest point. The place is known as La Rapadura on the coast of Santa Úrsula, north of the island of Tenerife. Seabed of the Canary Islands.
1112-9936 - Spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) underwater at Leon Dormido Island off San Cristobal Island, Galapagos, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
1387-833 - Underwater photographer taking a photograph of a male great white shark, Guadalupe Island, Mexico.
1387-821 - Great white shark and divers, Guadalupe Island, Mexico.
1387-770 - Yellow crinoid (Crinoidea) and a scuba diver in Puerto Galera, Philippines. Photographed using close focus wide angle technique with a circular fisheye lens.
860-292725 - Volcanic underwater beds, Tenerife. The image shows the top of an underwater mountain formed by basaltic columns (columnar disjunction. Canary Islands.
860-292576 - Wreck of the Boga, patrol vessel used by the Indonesian government voluntarily sunk in September 2012, to provide additional wreckage for diving in the area to become an artificial reef and allow diving to develop in Kubu. The wreck now lies between 13 and 31m, with the bow just a few fin strokes from the shore. The current can be strong at this site. Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia.
860-292500 - Tek (Trimix) speleologist diver in a karstic underwater cave over 70 meters deep, Photogrammetry, twiglight zone, Mayotte
1387-203 - Snorkelers swim above a blue hole on Palau's barrier reef. This hole formed when sea level was much lower than it is today.
1116-53344 - Divers moving through a kelp forest in Sooke Bay off the coast of Vancouver Island in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
1116-53341 - Close-up of a photographer scuba diving and looking at the camera for a self-portrait while submerged in ocean water and kelp floating behind, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
1116-53166 - Young snorkeler dives toward coral in the Buccoo Reef and Nylon Pool, Tobago, Tobago, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
1116-53161 - Captured in mid-air, a diver plunges towards tropical waters, Bequia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies
1384-317 - El Sireno (The Merman) sculpture, by Francisco Leiro 1991, Praza Porto do Sol, city centre of Vigo, Galicia, Spain, Europe
1384-244 - Environmental information poster about ecosystem of limestone cenotes, Yucatan, Mexico, North America
1351-315 - The Cascade Complex in Yerevan, Armenia (Hayastan), Caucasus, Central Asia, Asia
860-292444 - Speleologist diver taking photographs in a karstic cave at Passe Bateau Sud at a depth of 60 metres, Mayotte
860-292442 - Cave diver in a karst underwater cave at a depth of 60 metres for the Gumbo La Baharini 2 expedition, Passe Bateau Sud at a depth of 60 metres, Mayotte
860-292443 - Tek rebreather diver at a depth of 70 meters with a DPV specially equipped with 60,000 lumen lighting and 12 Gopro to carry out a 3D survey of a karstic cave submerged for over 14,000 years, Passe Bateau Sud, Mayotte Lagoon
860-292441 - Potholing diver in a karstic cave at Passe Bateau Sud, 60 metres deep in Mayotte's lagoon.
860-292440 - Cave diver in an underwater cave of karstic origin at a depth of 75 meters during the Gumbo La Baharini 2 expedition, which aimed to produce a complete 3D model of this karstic cave using photogrammetry. Passe Bateau Sud, Mayotte lagoon
860-292438 - Coral nursery monitoring in Mayotte lagoon
1111-253 - Haenyeo divers, famous for diving into their eighties and holding their breath for up to two minutes, diving for conch, octopus, seaweed, and other seafood, Jeju, South Korea, Asia
860-291909 - Freediver watching a Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) feeding on seagrass at the bottom. Abu Dabbab Bay, Marsa Alam, Egypt, Red Sea
860-291908 - Freediver swimming with Dugong (Dugong dugon). Marsa Alam, Egypt. Red Sea
832-403807 - Female scientist with hijab microscope laboratory
832-401956 - Diver swimming in cave, underwater, light rays, sun rays, Shaab Claudia reef dive site, Red Sea, Egypt, Africa
832-401955 - Hemprich's tree coral (Dendronephthya hemprichi) and backlit diver, Fury Shoals reef dive site, Red Sea, Egypt, Africa
759-9903 - Invasive Lionfish speared by Diver, Pterois volitans, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9902 - Invasive Lionfish speared by Diver, Pterois volitans, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9901 - Invasive Lionfish speared by Diver, Pterois volitans, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9900 - Invasive Lionfish speared by Diver, Pterois volitans, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9898 - Invasive Lionfish speared by Diver, Pterois volitans, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9899 - Invasive Lionfish speared by Diver, Pterois volitans, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9897 - Invasive Lionfish speared by Diver, Pterois volitans, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9896 - Invasive Lionfish speared by Diver, Pterois volitans, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9881 - Skin diver strokes Sperm Whale, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9858 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9855 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9826 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9827 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9825 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9822 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9804 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9778 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9777 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9776 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9775 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9774 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9772 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9771 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9768 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9763 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9761 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9760 - Sperm Whale and Skin diver, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-9758 - Skin diver strokes Sperm Whale, Physeter macrocephalus, Caribbean Sea, Dominica
759-15199 - Scuba diver and Group of Longfin Batfish, Platax teira, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15198 - Scuba diver and Group of Longfin Batfish, Platax teira, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15197 - Scuba diver and Group of Longfin Batfish, Platax teira, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15195 - Map Puffer and Scuba diver, Arothron mappa, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15196 - Map Puffer and Scuba diver, Arothron mappa, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15192 - Scuba diver and Longfin Batfish, Platax teira, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15188 - Giant Clam and Scuba diver, Tridacna squamosa, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15189 - Hawksbill Sea Turtle and Scuba diver, Eretmochelys imbricata, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
759-15001 - Scuba Diver finds Red Scorpionfish at Vassilios Wreck, Scorpaena scrofa, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-15000 - Scuba Diver finds Red Scorpionfish at Vassilios Wreck, Scorpaena scrofa, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14999 - Scuba Diver finds Red Scorpionfish at Vassilios Wreck, Scorpaena scrofa, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14998 - Scuba Diver at Vassilios Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14997 - Scuba Diver at Vassilios Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14996 - Scuba Diver at Vassilios Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14994 - Scuba Diver at Vassilios Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14995 - Scuba Diver at Vassilios Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14993 - Scuba Diver at Vassilios Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14991 - Scuba Diver at Vassilios Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14986 - Scuba Diver at Vassilios Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14985 - Scuba Diver at Fortunal Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14984 - Scuba Diver at Fortunal Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14983 - Scuba Diver at Fortunal Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14981 - Scuba Diver at Fortunal Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14982 - Scuba Diver at Fortunal Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14980 - Scuba Diver at Fortunal Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14973 - John Dory an Scuba Diver, Zeus Faber, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14972 - John Dory an Scuba Diver, Zeus Faber, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14971 - Scuba Diver at B-24 Liberator Bomber Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia
759-14970 - Scuba Diver at B-24 Liberator Bomber Wreck, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia