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832-404396 - Fitness with a young black girl with afro hair, doing stretching, exercising in the field, red sport suit, fit girl, healthy life, copy paste space
832-404397 - Fitness with a young black girl with afro hair, doing exercise number three, exercise in the field, gray sport suit, fit girl, healthy life, copy paste space
832-404394 - Fitness with a young black girl with afro hair, doing jumps and squats, exercising in the field, red sport suit, fit girl, healthy life, copy paste space
832-404395 - Fitness with a young black girl with afro hair, doing stretching, exercising in the field, red sport suit, fit girl, healthy life, copy paste space
832-404393 - Fitness with a young black girl with afro hair, showing muscle, exercising in the field, red sport suit, fit girl, healthy life, copy paste space
832-404392 - Caucasian blond girl and dark-skinned girl with afro hair doing stretching exercises in a park. Healthy life, fitness, fitness girls, gray and red sport outfits
832-404390 - Caucasian blonde girl and dark-skinned girl with afro hair doing squat exercises in a park with the city in the background. Healthy life, fitness, fitness girls, gray and red sport outfits
832-404391 - Caucasian blonde girl and dark-skinned girl with afro hair doing squat exercises in a park with the city in the background. Healthy life, fitness, fitness girls, gray and red sport outfits
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