Recent searches
860-292851 - White rhinoceros or square-lipped rhinoceros or rhino;Ceratotherium simum). Eastern Cape. South Africa
832-405458 - Two rams in a grassy field, one standing alert and the other grazing, Mouflon (Ovis gmelini), Wildpark Aurach, Austria, Europe
860-292694 - Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) bending down to eat grass in the barren landscape of the Etosha pan, Etosha National Park, Namibia
860-292566 - Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) Immature on a perch with cattle in the background on the Spanish steppe. Tolede region, Spain
1116-53438 - Two blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) jump off sandy cliff while others stand watching on the edge, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, Africa
1116-53354 - Scenic view of a large herd of blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) near shore of river with a group of plains zebra (Equus quagga) in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
1116-53320 - Scenic view of a large herd of blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) near shore of river while a group of plains zebra (Equus quagga) cross the water, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, Africa
1116-53312 - Portrait of a black bear (Ursus americanus) pausing on a mountainside from feeding on lowbush cranberries and looking at the camera on a mid-October afternoon in Southcentral Alaska's Chugach Mountains, Alaska, United States of America
1382-439 - Cattle on the beach at Qeparo, on the Ionian coast, Albania, Europe
743-484 - Young spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta), picking up a scent, Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, South Africa, Africa
743-480 - White rhino (Ceratotherium simum), Kruger National Park, South Africa, Africa
743-467 - Female waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus), Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, South Africa, Africa
860-292310 - Group of Grant's gazelles (Nanger granti) in the savannah, Serengeti, Tanzania.
860-292309 - Thomson's gazelle (Eudorcas thomsonii) on slash-and-burn, Serengeti, Tanzania.
860-292273 - Wild horse near the Merrick butte. Monument valley national park. Arizona. USA.
860-292139 - Shepherd and his flock near Lake Tchatyr-kol, At-bashi, Naryn, Kyrgyzstan
832-403538 - Grazing horses, Orkhon Valley, Mongolia, Asia
832-403518 - A goat with two little white kids grazing grass on the fresh green pasture. Idyllic spring sunset light over the lake and the golden reed
832-401474 - Vietnamese buffalo grazing on the rice hills of Mu Cang Chai District, Yen Bai Province, North Vietnam
832-401281 - Portrait of Sea turtle grazing on the seaseabed, slow motion. Great Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) eating green algae on seagrass meadow, Red sea, Egypt, Africa
832-401280 - Wide-angle shot of Sea turtle grazing on the seaseabed, slow motion. Great Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) eating green algae on seagrass meadow, Red sea, Egypt, Africa
860-291676 - Herd of goats ans sheeps, Steppe area, East Mongolia, Mongolia
860-291677 - Herd of cows in the steppe, Steppe area, East Mongolia, Mongolia
860-291580 - Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) on the edge of the Chobe River, Kasane. Botswana
860-291499 - Cows on alpine pasture. Dolomites at Passo Giau. Europe, Central Europe, Italy
832-401070 - Round-tailed manatee (Trichechus manatus) grazing, Crystal River dive site, Florida, USA, North America
832-401052 - 2 specimens of west indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) grazing in the Crystal River, Florida, USA, North America
832-401051 - West indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) grazing in Crystal River, Florida, USA, North America
832-400161 - Horses grazing on the banks of the stream in summer. Dornod Province, Mongolia, Asia
860-291090 - Zebra (Equus quagga). Back view. Kenya. Tanzania. National Park. Serengeti. Maasai Mara.
860-291074 - Two White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in Nakuru National Park. Africa. Kenya.
860-291276 - Mother elephant (Loxodonta africana) with a baby in the savannah. Serengeti National Park. Tanzania.
860-291071 - Two elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Savannah. Africa. Kenya. Tanzania. Serengeti. Maasai Mara.
860-291264 - American Bison (Bison bison) in snow in winter, Yellowstone National park, USA
860-290939 - Aymara shepherdess spining the wool of Lama Sajama Bolivia
860-290684 - A White rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum, in Masai Mara Rhino Sanctuary. Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, Africa.
860-290901 - Shetland Pony on pasture near high cliffs on the Shetland Islands in Scotland. europe, central europe, northern europe, united kingdom, great britain, scotland, northern isles,shetland islands, May
860-290557 - Portrait of an African buffalo, Syncerus caffer, with a herd grazing nearby. Lualenyi Game Reserve, Kenya.
860-290739 - White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) walking in the savanna, Kenya
860-290919 - Haflinger Horse on its mountain pasture (Shieling) in the Oetztal Alps (Obergurgl, Rotmoostal). Europe, Austria, Tyrol
860-290741 - White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) three rhinos in the savanna, Kenya
860-290643 - Two reindeer in front of a chum, surroundings of Uoyan, Buryatia, Russia
860-290740 - White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) walking in the savanna, Kenya
860-290692 - Herd of Plains zebras, Equus quagga, grazing in the grass at Masai Mara National Reserve. Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, Africa.
860-290902 - Shetland Pony on pasture near high cliffs on the Shetland Islands in Scotland. europe, central europe, northern europe, united kingdom, great britain, scotland, northern isles,shetland islands, May
860-290691 - Herd of Plains zebras, Equus quagga, in the grass at Masai Mara National Reserve. Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, Africa.
860-290903 - Shetland Pony on pasture near high cliffs on the Shetland Islands in Scotland. europe, central europe, northern europe, united kingdom, great britain, scotland, northern isles,shetland islands, May
860-290685 - A white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum, in Masai Mara Rhino sanctuary escorted by an anti poaching unit. Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, Africa.
860-290738 - White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) grazing in the savanna, Kenya
832-394662 - Sheep grazing on Loch Leathan, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
832-394116 - Dugong (Dugong dugon) grazing on seagrass meadow followed by Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus), Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan, Asia
1116-52101 - Aerial view of farm buildings and grassy farmland separated by stone walls along the coastal mountainside; Terceira, Azores
1116-51306 - Pastoral scene with grazing sheep (Ovis aries) in the foreground and red roofs on a church and farm buildings along the fjord; Strandabyggo, Westfjords, Iceland
1116-51946 - Close-up of a southern giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis) browsing leafy thornbush on the savanna against a blue sky and eyeing the camera at the Gabus Game Ranch; Otavi, Otjozondjupa, Namibia
1116-50986 - Horses on grassy meadow with rocky cliff shoreline in the background; Cornwall County, England
1116-50833 - Llamas (Lama glama) grazing on a quinoa plantation; Nor Lipez Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
1116-51088 - A grey horse eating in a pasture with straw on the ground, an open blue sky behind and a fence line on the horizon; Eastend, Saskatchewan, Canada
1116-51964 - Black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou) standing in the golden long grass of the savanna munching and looking at the camera at the Gabus Game Ranch; Otavi, Otjozondjupa, Namibia
1116-51550 - Giraffe and herd of antelope, Etosha National Park; Namibia
1116-51003 - Cattle grazing in grassy field with stone church framed by shrubs and trees in the background; Cornwall County, England
1113-107208 - Horse at sunrise on the Alpe di Siusi in South Tyrol, Italy, Europe;
860-290230 - Highland Cattle (Bos taurus). A Highland Cattle grazes at sunset in the Peak District National Park, UK.
860-290275 - African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), Tsavo, Kenya.
860-290047 - Red deer (Cervus elaphus) group walking in a meadow at sunset
860-290396 - Uganda's Kob (Kobus thomasi), Murchison Falls National park, Uganda
860-289822 - Alpine Ibex in wintertime, Capra ibex, Gran Paradiso National Park, Alps, Italy, Europe
1350-2767 - Cattle grazing in open field on edge of Eucalyptus grove, Kinigi, Rwanda
1350-2782 - Sheep grazing in Eucalyptus grove, Kinigi, Rwanda
1350-2769 - Sheep grazing in open field with volcanic mountains in the distance, Kinigi, Rwanda
832-393059 - Asian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) grazing in wetland, Lake Kerkini, Macedonia, Greece, Europe
832-392157 - Alentejo landscape, red cows grazing among cork trees, Portugal, Europe
832-393144 - Domestic Cattles (Bos primigenius taurus) grazing on an alpine meadow, Oberstdorf, Allgaeu Alps, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
860-288702 - Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) grazing in green savannah n Kruger National park, South Africa
860-288795 - Black pigs in dehesa in Estramadura, Spain. A dehesa is an agro-sylvo-pastoral mode of cultivation formed by a sparse undergrowth grazing where pigs or sheep graze freely and where green or cork oaks grow, cut and exploited. This very old system persists in the poor and dry areas of the Mediterranean basin and covers several million hectares in the Iberian Peninsula.
860-288785 - Two Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) in wide angle view in Hlane royal National park, Swaziland scenery
1116-49375 - Three common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) graze kneeling in line, Serengeti, Tanzania
1116-49416 - Goats and haystacks in the fields of teff (Eragrostis tef), Jib Gedel, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
1116-50383 - Hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) grazes in long grass eyeing camera, Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp, Serengeti National Park; Tanzania
832-391206 - Forest sheep, three lambs with mother grazing on a pasture, Germany, Europe
832-391208 - Forest sheep, lamb with mother grazing on a pasture, Germany, Europe
832-391274 - Domestic sheep (Ovis gmelini aries), lamb grazing on dyke, animal child, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe
1113-104773 - Calf standing on a meadow at a fence and looking, Gauting, Bavaria, Germany
1113-104974 - Wild goat, Masada, Dead Sea, Israel
1113-104942 - Grazing pigs wallowing in the mud on a pasture. The breed is called Swabian-Hall Swine. Germering, Bavaria, Germany
832-390038 - Aerial view of Burchell's zebras (Equus burchellii) grazing in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, Africa
832-389826 - White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), grazing in front of Mount Kenya, Solio Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary, Kenya, Africa
832-389825 - White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), grazing, covered with mud, portrait, Solio Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary, Kenya, Africa
832-389828 - Two black rhinos (Diceros bicornis) grazing, pair, Lake Nakuru, Kenya, Africa
832-389456 - Burchells Zebras (Equus quagga burchellii) are grazing. Etosha National Park, Namibia, Africa
832-389458 - Burchells Zebras (Equus quagga burchellii) grazing in Etosha National Park, Namibia, Africa
1116-49948 - Livestock - Black Angus cow backlit by the early morning sun grazing on a pasture / Childress, Texas, USA.
1174-8806 - A white rhino, Ceratotherium simum, stands grazing in the foreground, a herd of zebra graze in the background, Equus quagga, Sabi Sands, Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa
832-387983 - Guanacos (Llama guanicoe), Herd grazing in the field, Torres del Paine National Park, Region de Magallanes y de la Antartica Chilena, Patagonia, Chile, South America
832-387881 - Flock of sheep Sheep grazing on the green pastures in front of the mountains, Huvsgul Province, Mongolia, Asia
832-387733 - Herd of camels, Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) in the steppe in front of snowy mountain range, Bayankhongor Province, Mongolia, Asia
832-386326 - Hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius), grazing in shallow water, open mouth, Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Ngamiland, Botswana, Africa