Robert Harding

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1116-53091 - Aerial view of TexasGulf Potash Ponds which are solar evaporation ponds used in the process of mining potash. Potash, a water-soluble potassium salt is extracted and blue dye is added to increase the rate of evaporation. It is mainly used in fertilizer products but also in the making of soap, glass, ceramics and batteries. The mine is currently owned and operated by Intredpid Potash Inc and the ponds cover 400 acres of land surrounded by sandstone cliffs and wilderness near Moab, Utah, USA, Utah, United States of America
1350-19 - Harvest Moon, Sept. 27, 2004, taken from near home. With Canon Digital Rebel 300D, with 20mm lens at f/13 and 1/2 sec exposure at ISO100. Minimal processing to increase contrast but Moon image is not a fake -- the balance between sky and Moon was perfect for recording Moon detail and ground without over or underexposing either.
911-10505 - Asia's largest solar popwer station, the Gujarat Solar Park, in Gujarat, India. It has an installed capacity of 1000 MW. Here workers wash dust off the panels to increase their efficiency.
1112-2046 - Adult Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) walking on first year sea ice in Active Sound, Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Polar Regionswhitening of whites, slight increase in contrast
832-337312 - Revitalization of the derelict St. Gall downtown area "Bleicheli": Architect Carlos Martinez and artist Pipilotti Rist have created a "saloon", complete with red carpet and big lamps, St. Gall, Switzerland
832-168603 - "Stimmen fuer den Mindestlohn", voices for the minimum wage, "Die Menschenpyramide", man pyramid, mural by Victor Ash on Schiffbauerdamm, Berlin, Germany, Europe
832-154676 - Residents rally at City Hall, asking that the city establish a citizens review board to monitor the police and increase the police force's diversity, Hamtramck, Michigan, USA
832-47996 - Pipes for pipeline construction alongside a highway in southwestern Pennsylvania where hydraulic fracturing is commonly used to increase gas recovery; fracking is controversial because of environmental problems, Washington, Pennsylvania, USA
857-71792 - Orangutans paint on a canvas at Zoo Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The orangutans do this and also play a computer game to increase their intelligence and avoid boredom at the zoo.
857-71791 - Orangutans paint on a canvas at Zoo Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The orangutans do this and also play a computer game to increase their intelligence and avoid boredom at the zoo.
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