Robert Harding

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860-292932 - Shrubby savannah landscape with Masai giraffe;Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) and Plains zebra;Equus quagga) drinking from a waterhole, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa
860-292930 - Plains Zebra, or Burchell's Zebra;Equus quagga syn. Equus burchellii), drinking from a pond, at night, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa
860-292915 - Bengal Tiger;Panthera tigris) marking the territory, Tadoba National Park, Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra's oldest and largest National Park, Maharashtra state, Indian subcontinent, India, Chandrapur district, Asia
860-292911 - Bengal Tiger;Panthera tigris) in a clear area, youngs playing, Tadoba National Park, Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra's oldest and largest National Park, Maharashtra state, Indian subcontinent, India, Chandrapur district, Asia
860-292845 - White rhinoceros or square-lipped rhinoceros;Ceratotherium simum). One of five species of rhino that still exist. It has a wide mouth used for grazing and is the most social of all rhino. Madikwe Game Reserve. North West Province. South Africa