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1131-2318 - Variegated squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides) climbing on a branch, Costa Rica
1131-2317 - Panamanian white-faced capuchin (Cebus imitator), Costa Rica
1131-2316 - Highland Eyelash pitviper (Bothriechis schlegelii) head emerging between flower leaves, Costa Rica
1131-2315 - Highland Eyelash pitviper (Bothriechis schlegelii) rolled up around a flower, Costa Rica
1131-2314 - Female Great Curassow (Crax rubra) walking on grass, Costa Rica
1131-2313 - Male Great Curassow (Crax rubra) walking on grass, Costa Rica
1131-2312 - Montezuma Oropendola (Psarocolius Montezuma) perched on a branch, Costa Rica
1131-2311 - Flying Great Green Macaw or Grand Military Macaw (Ara ambiguus), Costa Rica
1131-2310 - Flying Hybrid Scarlet x Great Green Macaw (Ara macao x militaris), Costa Rica
1131-2309 - Male and female Red-legged Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes cyaneus) on a branch, Costa Rica
832-405655 - Young man, tourist on red suspension bridge between the treetops in the rainforest, Monteverde Cloud Forest, Monte Verde, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica, Central America
1131-2308 - Two Orange nectar bats (Lonchophylla robusta) hovering and drinking the nectar from a wild red banana plant flower (Musa velutina) in the rain forest, Costa Rica
1131-2307 - Orange nectar bat (Lonchophylla robusta) hovering and drinking the nectar from a wild red banana plant flower (Musa velutina) in the rain forest, Costa Rica
1131-2306 - Strawberry poison-dart frog or blue jeans poison frog (Oophaga pumilio), Costa Rica
1131-2305 - Red-eyed tree frog or red-eyed leaf frog (Agalychnis callidryas) sitting on leaf, Costa Rica
1131-2304 - Red-eyed tree frog or red-eyed leaf frog (Agalychnis callidryas) walking over a branch, Costa Rica
1131-2303 - Red-eyed tree frog or red-eyed leaf frog (Agalychnis callidryas) on a branch, Costa Rica
1131-2302 - Male Resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) on branch, Costa Rica
1131-2301 - Male Resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) in flight, Costa Rica
1131-2300 - King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) feeding a chick in a tree, Costa Rica
1131-2299 - Flying King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa), Costa Rica
1131-2298 - Flying King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa), Costa Rica
1131-2297 - Keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus), sitting on a branch, Costa Rica
1131-2296 - Two Collared aracari (Pteroglossus torquatus) sitting on a mossy branch, Costa Rica
1131-2295 - Collared aracari (Pteroglossus torquatus) sitting on a branch, Costa Rica
1131-2294 - Two Brown-hooded Parrots (Pyrilia haematotis) sitting on a branch, Costa Rica
1131-2293 - Brown-hooded Parrot (Pyrilia haematotis) sitting on a branch, Costa Rica
1131-2292 - Two Orange-chinned Parakeets (Brotogeris jugularis) quarreling, Costa Rica
1131-2291 - Two Orange-chinned Parakeets (Brotogeris jugularis) sitting on a branch, Costa Rica
1131-2290 - Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher, Ptiliogonys caudatus, Costa Rica
1131-2289 - Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher, Ptiliogonys caudatus, Costa Rica
1131-2288 - Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher, Ptiliogonys caudatus feeding on Twoleaf nightshade berries, Costa Rica
83-13568 - Tourists canoe and paddle board on mangrove fringed Nosara River and Biological Reserve at sunset, Boca Nosara, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13567 - Local man handline fishing at the mangrove fringed Nosara Boca (river mouth) estuary at sunset, Nosara River, Boca Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13566 - Tourists on boat trip through the mangrove fringed Nosara River estuary, with locals handline fishing, Boca Nosara, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13565 - Tourists on boat trip through mangrove fringed Nosara River estuary and Biological Reserve at sunset, Boca Nosara, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13564 - Men with throw nets and freshly caught fish, Nosara Boca (river mouth), local fishing spot, Boca Nosara, Nosara Beach, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13563 - Man casting a weighted throw net at Nosara Boca (river mouth), local fishing spot, Boca Nosara, Nosara Beach, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13562 - Two dogs play fighting, Playa Guiones beach, popular for surfing, dog walking and yoga, Playa Guiones, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13561 - Woman walking small dogs scared of a large playful Ridgeback on popular Playa Guiones surf beach, Guiones, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13560 - Great kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus) a large colorful tyrant flycatcher, common in the Pacific North, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13559 - Round-headed katydid (bush cricket) (Amblycorypha), earhole in forelegs, superb leaf mimic with leg scraping song, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13558 - Stripe-headed sparrow (Peucaea ruficauda) breeds from Mexico to north Costa Rica, eats seeds and insects, Esperanza, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13557 - Spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularius) non-breeding plumage, common shorebird in the Americas, Nosara River, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13556 - Broad-winged hawk (Buteo platypterus) small raptor, common in the Americas as far south as Brazil, Playa Garza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13555 - Broad-winged hawk (Buteo platypterus) small raptor, common in the Americas as far south as Brazil, Playa Garza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13554 - Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) large tyrant flycatcher, common in the southern Americas, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13553 - Wood storks (Mycteria americana) big wading bird of the south Americas, scavenging on black sand turtle beach, Ostional, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13552 - Wood stork (Mycteria americana) big wading bird of the south Americas, scavenging on black sand turtle beach, Ostional, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13551 - Female mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) eating tree leaves in a north Pacific coast forest, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13550 - Female mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) eating tree leaves in a north Pacific coast forest, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13549 - Juvenile mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) in Pacific coast forest, known for their loud call, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13548 - Juvenile mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) in Pacific coast forest, known for their loud call, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13547 - Infant riding on the back of a female mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) in Pacific coast forest, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13546 - Female mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) known for its loud call, eating in Pacific coast forest, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13545 - Female mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) known for its loud call, eating in Pacific coast forest, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
83-13544 - Female mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) with clinging infant eating flower, Pacific coast forest, Esperanza, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
860-292963 - Ghost Frog;Sachatamia ilex) on a leaf, Costa Rica
860-292962 - Super-leg monkey tree frog;Phyllomedusa tomopterna) La Paz Natural Park, Costa Rica
860-292961 - La Palma glass frog;Hyalinobatrachium valerioi) Adult with egg laying on a leaf, Costa Rica
860-292960 - Ghost Frog;Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi) mating, Costa Rica
860-292959 - Green and Black Poison Frog;Dendrobates auratus), highly toxic diurnal amphibian, leaf-climber, Costa Rica
860-292958 - Orange-legged treefrog;Cruziohyla sylviae) on a branch, Costa Rica
860-292957 - Red-eyed treefrog;Agalychnis callidryas) mating, Costa Rica
860-292956 - Red-eyed treefrog;Agalychnis callidryas), Costa Rica
860-292955 - Red-eyed treefrog;Agalychnis callidryas), Costa Rica
860-292837 - American crocodile;Crocodylus acutus) in the water, Tarcoles, Costa Rica.
860-292836 - American crocodile;Crocodylus acutus) on bank, Tarcoles, Costa Rica.
860-292835 - American crocodile;Crocodylus acutus) in water, Tarcoles, Costa Rica.
860-292833 - Panamian White-faced Capuchin;Cebus imitator) on a branch, Jaco, Costa Rica.
860-292832 - White-nosed Coati;Coati narica) in the forest, Jaco, Costa Rica.
860-292831 - Brown-throated sloth;Bradypus variegatus), Jaco, Costa Rica
832-405545 - Red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas), sitting on the blossom of a false bird-of-paradise (Heliconia), Heredia province, Costa Rica, Central America
832-405544 - Strawberry poison-dart frog (Oophaga pumilio) sitting on a leaf, Heredia province, Costa Rica, Central America
832-405543 - Getazi comb spider or Getazi banana spider (Cupiennius tazi), adult male sitting on a leaf at night, at night in the tropical rainforest, Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Mixto Bosque Alegre, Alajuela province, Costa Rica, Central America
832-404640 - On the beach of Playa Tarcoles Costa Rica
832-404638 - On the beach of Playa Tarcoles Costa Rica
832-404637 - Steel bridge over a river in Costa Rica
832-404635 - On the beach of Playa Tarcoles Costa Rica
832-404634 - Sculptures in the Parque Vargas of the port city of Porto Limon Costa Rica
860-292712 - Blue-throated Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus caeruleogularis) adult female perched observing, Costa Rica
860-292713 - Schlegel's viper (Bothriechis schlegelii) venomous nocturnal adult curled up at rest on a branch, Costa Rica
860-292711 - Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus) adult close-up in dark forest, Costa Rica
860-292709 - Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus) adult female looking for larvae on a trunk against a blue sky, Costa Rica
860-292710 - Mantled howler (Alouatta palliata) adult male howling on his territory, Pacific coast, Costa Rica
860-292708 - Violet Sabrewing (Campylopterus hemileucurus) adult male on a branch, Costa Rica
860-292707 - Roadside Hawk (Rupornis magnirostris) adult on a branch observing its territory, Costa Rica
1387-268 - A large black-blotched stingray (Taeniura meyeni) swims in deep water near Cocos Island, Costa Rica. This remote island is home to an incredible variety of marine life.
1387-267 - A massive school of bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus) swims in deep water near Cocos Island, Costa Rica. This remote island is home to an incredible variety of marine life.
1387-222 - A crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) feeds on coral near Cocos Island, Costa Rica.
1387-221 - A spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) swims over the deep, sandy seafloor near Cocos Island, Costa Rica. This remote, Pacific island is famous for its healthy fish and shark populations.
1387-220 - A pair of spotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari) swim over the deep, sandy seafloor near Cocos Island, Costa Rica. This remote, Pacific island is famous for its healthy fish and shark populations.
848-3036 - Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), Tarcoles River, Garabito, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-3035 - Crocodile, Tarcoles River, Garabito, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-3034 - Crocodile, Tarcoles River, Garabito, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-3033 - Toucan sitting in tree, Drake Bay, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-3032 - View of landscape near Monte Verde, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-3031 - Cano Negro, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica, Central America
848-3030 - Sunrise at Arenal Volcano, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, Central America