Robert Harding

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1387-267 - A massive school of bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus) swims in deep water near Cocos Island, Costa Rica. This remote island is home to an incredible variety of marine life.
1358-481 - Gombey dancers, traditional performers, in troupes of 10 to 20, of a blend of Native American, Caribbean and British culture, dancing to a powerful drum beat, Bermuda, Atlantic, North America
1350-6056 - Anti-independence Catalan protestors carry Spanish flag during a demonstration for the unity of Spain on the occasion of the Spanish National Day at Passeig de Gracia, Barcelona on October 12, 2014, Spain
1350-6028 - Anti-independence Catalan protestors carry Spanish flags and catalan flags during a demonstration for the unity of Spain on the occasion of the Spanish National Day at Passeig de Gracia, Barcelona on October 12, 2014, Spain
1350-6050 - Anti-independence Catalan protestors carry Spanish flags and catalan flags during a demonstration for the unity of Spain on the occasion of the Spanish National Day at Passeig de Gracia, Barcelona on October 12, 2014, Spain